Today’s insurance agencies and brokers are embracing change and moving towards a more agile, secure, and digitally enabled operating model. For those companies embracing the digital transformation to achieve a competitive advantage, Patra offers full-service certificate processing, leveraging CertVault -- a proprietary cloud-based certificate repository, providing instant access to, and real-time monitoring of, certificates of insurance for brokers, holders, and insureds.
The all-in-one digital platform is specifically designed to streamline certificate processing, issuance and monitoring, enhancing the customer experience, reducing cost, and eliminating the risk that coverages on a certificate may no longer be valid. Applying robotic data extraction and blockchain technology, certificate information is seamlessly converted and stored in CertVault for secure digital delivery. Using CertVault’s Sagitta integration, certificate information is verified and monitored in real time, and any lapses in coverage quickly identified.