Key Management Group

KMG has served the insurance industry for more than 30 years. With our deep understanding of the insurance industry and the software it runs, we are committed to helping insurers successfully execute enterprise digital transformation initiatives. KMG’s insurance frameworks built around automated submissions, quoting and issuance can integrate with MGA Systems and NetRate to provide a single point solution for the insurance value-chain.

Our partnership

Key Management Group (KMG) has integrated with MGA Systems on multiple occasions, giving our clients the opportunity to successfully operate their agencies to deliver highly personalized products and services to their customers to drive innovation and improving efficiency.

KMG is your trusted IT professional services and consulting partner, specializing in providing custom software development, digital integrations, business operations support, legacy modernization, RPA, and cloud data analytics services to insurance providers. KMG was founded with a mission to provide insurance providers niche technology and consulting services.

Key Management Group - Vertafore Partnership logo


A cloud-based solution built to automate, convert and orchestrate submission intake from clients and agents into meaningful ingestible data.

Intakifi automates the extraction of data from the PDFs/Excel Files/Word Documents sent with Submissions. The extracted data is provided to the Underwriters in a form they can directly use - Imported into the Submission systems either thru APIs or by using Intakifi's data entry utility to enter the data directly into the application.

The Intakifi data validation & enhancement modules look for relevant information on the internet and provide additional data providing a better context to the Underwriters.

The extracted data can even be provided to external rating systems if needed.

Intakifi is integrated to Agenci/iQ, the Agent Portal, for handling the submissions once the data has been extracted from the submission documents.


Built for MGAs, this low-code agent portal has automated risk-score based underwriting, that provides higher throughput and faster speed to market.

From submissions to processing policy lifecycle transactions, the portal also comes with multiple out of the box integrations to third-party data providers and other data systems.

A Revolutionary SaaS-based Smart Agent Portal for Insurance Professionals


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“We recently revamped the old applications and development of new rating and other software. Their understanding of the P&C insurance industry has allowed us to expand and scale. Having worked with Team KMG for over 5 years on multiple projects, I would recommend KMG to any organization looking to grow with the right technology teams.”
– L. Velasquez (Senior VP, Insurance Company)

“The partnership with KMG has been a complete success and I couldn't be happier with their performance. Their knowledge and understanding of the P&C insurance industry has given me the ability to expand and scale the skill within our group of companies. Thanks to everyone at KMG!"
– Sal A (CIO Large Broker and MGA)

“I have been partnering with KMG for nearly 10 years spanning two different organizations. For me, KMG provides flexibility in resourcing on a wide breadth of skills. The team is continuously focused on expanding and adapting their capabilities as a cost-effective alternative for its customers. They have become a reliable and professional extension to my teams while the management team is always looking for ways to personalize their services.” 
– Peter B (VP-IT, Travel & Insurance Company)

“We've worked with KMG in numerous ways over the years, most recently tapping into their development and testing capabilities to help deliver a successful data migration for our client. A very talented team who is reliable and hardworking and they understand Insurance.” 
– Dan R (CEO Insurance Data Migration Firm)