A relationship between two entities, typically an insurance agency and an insurance carrier, where the agency represents and sells insurance products offered by the carrier.
An individual or organization that legally represents another; a state licensed professional who represents the insurance company in the sale and servicing of insurance; the direct link between the insurance company and the policyholder. See also: captive agent, exclusive agent, independent agent, independent agencies, insurance agencies.
Captive Agent
An insurance agent who exclusively represents a single insurance carrier and sells only the products of that carrier. A captive agent represents only one company; also referred to as exclusive.
Independent Agent
An agent in business for himself or herself, selling insurance for many different companies; also referred to as nonexclusive.
Act of changing for the better. Process of formally altering or adding to a document or record.
A financial product sold by insurance companies that provides a stream of income payments in exchange for a lump-sum payment or a series of payments.
An agreement between an insurer and a licensee authorizing the licensee to represent the insurer in the sale of its insurance products.