Rick Warter

Chief Customer Officer

Rick Warter headshot - Vertafore
My team exists to help our customers get the most out of their Vertafore products. I love to help people, to help them be successful at what they're trying to do. That is what I enjoy most about my work."
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Rick brings nearly three decades of experience as a successful professional services executive to his role at Vertafore. He’s held management roles with Accenture, AT&T Wireless Services, Oracle Corp. and Point B. In addition, in 2012 he started Breo Solutions, a management consulting firm.

During his career he has been responsible for providing overall strategic direction, ensuring the satisfaction of clients, attracting, developing and retaining employees and driving results within organizations. He has broad leadership experience in telecommunications, high technology and healthcare, serving some of the largest, most respected companies in Colorado.

Outside of work, Rick is heavily involved in the community with the Children’s Hospital Colorado Courage Classic, Good Sam Bike Jam, and Denver Kids, Inc. He also mentors MBA students at the University of Denver. In his free time, he enjoys biking, cooking, fly fishing, scuba diving, and skiing.

Rick' 5 Fast Facts

1. What do you love most about your role at Vertafore?

My favorite thing to do is make customers successful, and that’s what my role at Vertafore is all about. I exist here is to be able to help our customers get the most out of their Vertafore products. My team gets to really live out Vertafore’s principle that our customers’ success is our success. From solution architecture to implementation to support, we’re focused on helping our users get the most out of the investment they’ve already made. I want customers to know we are truly their partner, and a big part of that is ensuring our Vertafore teams deliver on our promise to our customers.

2. How did you get into the InsurTech business?

I learned about Vertafore when it was owned by a private equity firm. At the time I had a friend who was working at another company in the firm’s portfolio. As I looked at Vertafore and the people here, everything aligned with the customer-centric perspective I really love. And as I came to understand the insurance industry I became really interested. This industry is so important. It touches just about every business and every person. It's there for people on their worst days and gives them peace of mind on their best days.

3. What are you most excited about for the future of InsurTech?

One of our core product directions is helping agencies empower their clients to get the information they need when they need it. People want to live in a digital world, and insurance has been playing a little bit of catch-up with that. But InsurTech and the industry are working together to empower this change. Things are moving fast and it’s exciting to be a part of that.

4. What’s your idea of the perfect weekend?

It depends on the time of year! In the winter, it’s a perfect powder day at Telluride. Other times of the year, you’ll find me fishing on the Eagle River.

5. I’m coming to visit you! What are your favorite/must-do things in your city?

Red Rocks is a must-see for anyone coming to Denver. It is such a unique place on the planet—you have just got to go and experience it. After that, you have to hit up one of Denver’s microbreweries. There’s a reason we’re known for them.


  • The University of Chicago Booth School of Business
  • Whitman College


  • Founder and Chief Customer Officer - Frog Dog Solutions
  • Sr Director, Professional Services - Vertafore
  • Founder and CEO – Breo Solutions
  • Regional Vice President, Professional Services – Point B
  • Practice Manager, Professional Services - Oracle

Leadership at Vertafore