Need to know: Regulatory updates as Q4 approaches

Insurance Compliance and Regulatory Updates

States have made a multitude of changes throughout the year regarding training, technology advancements, and continued efforts to protect consumers. 

During our 2022 Running Start webinar in February, attendees heard from a panel of experts on industry hot topics and trends, as well as a state-by-state briefing on upcoming regulatory changes. 

Since then, many of those regulatory changes have gone into effect, and new changes are on the horizon. Compliance professionals navigating today’s landscape are keenly aware of how keeping track of these changes across multiple jurisdictions can make maintaining compliance a moving target.

For teams without a compliance rules engine included in their distribution management software, it is much more difficult to know when a regulation has taken effect. We invite you to leverage our resources to help navigate the ever-growing complexities within compliance.

Learn more about how Sircon Producer Central can help you stay up to date on regulatory changes and more.